Dear potential representatives,

We have been assaulted in recent days by a huge wave of demands for representative positions and therefore want to make some clarifications referring primarily to the questionnaire asked to fill.

This questionnaire is designed to tell us if you have a general idea about the market you operate in.

The fact that you are a specialist in aquaculture helps to have contacts and understand the field.

But this about the market and its development potential in the face of new technologies.

My intention is to find local representatives in precisely delineated areas.

It is interesting that you can travel in many other areas, but the idea is to provide customers with a solid contact point, a first-line interface in the language of the country or region.

A place where we can organize a showroom with a small deposit of products, around which we could coagulate local consultants.

Those who travel a lot can be independent representatives or even affiliated consultants and they will receive commission on sales only.

But to invest in a national or zonal representation, I need the information in the questionnaire.

First it is desirable to complete the questionnaire with as much information as you can!

This will help me evaluate each one of you.

Your CV is also important along with the potential to invest time, energy, and, why not, even money in this business.

For these things to happen we need resources not mainly related to outstanding specialist qualifications.

To give a trivial example – those who sell Coca Cola are not specialists in food chemistry nor do they know the recipe of this drink, but nevertheless they sell it.

An international brand for technologies in caviar is not at everyone’s reach.

None of you have ever received such an offer!

A breakthrough in technology in the field of filtration and bio-filtering is a priceless gift in a world where demand for fish is growing from day to day.

And last but not least, I want to talk about the environmental protection which is extremely important and has in OLOOSON a devoted partner.

Think carefully if whether you are ready for it and if it is perhaps better to be independent representatives or simple affiliated consultants.

These independent representatives and affiliated consultants are on their own and they will receive limited support from us. They can take part in our courses and have access to all information from our website.

With us you have the ability to offer your customers a complete and exceptional solution in aquaculture.

With us you can implement these solutions in record time, benefiting from an exceptional group of specialists.

It should be noted that as a representative, it refers to the technology products and services and not to the distribution of caviar.

Distribution of special caviar is more activity taking place in the luxury market and it is good to be done by people who are qualified in this field and in this market.

For those wanting to be distributors of caviar is good to mention this in the first place.

In due time I will be announcing an agenda of training courses which will be held on an internet platform called eLearning.

In hopes that I’ve cleared some things, yours Daniel.