• Method and equipment for adjusting the amount of UV radiation in optimal dosage in accordance to pathogens from the water.UV GermicidalUV irradiation produced by a particular type of light bulbs is used in aquaculture to destroy microorganisms. It has a broad applicability and is used for purifying air, food etc. Moreover, through this radiation it is aimed at the destruction of nucleic acids of unwanted organisms and at bringing them to the situation of sterility, making reproduction impossible. Although they are present in large quantities in the universe, ultraviolet radiations do not reach the earth because they are blocked by the atmosphere. In recirculating systems, ultraviolet radiations have a lethal effect on pathogens, viruses and spores that may arise in the breeding system. UV Germicidal

    Coupled with very good mechanical filtration system, the UV irradiation system reduces the incidence of diseases and epidemics, keeping a clean and sterile environment. UV Germicidal

    Unfortunately, exposing a pathogen to a subunit dose of UV is totally ineffective, because in this case of recirculating systems, the entire volume of the water must pass several times through the sterilization device and that in some cases lasts long enough (the report rate of development of the geometric agent is sometimes in the order of minutes) for the inevitable to occur. Therefore, I recommend that the sterilization systems must not rely on streams of water related to mechanical filtration or to the water required in biofiltering, it must be separated and controlled in flows. This is done with a separate circuit dedicated to UV sterilization, in which the pump that provides water through the UV sterilizer has a frequency converter in its electrical circuit or it has a pump built with such a converter.

    Depending on the design parameters (diameter, length, irradiation power) we will be able to calculate the exact flow, and knowing the section, we can calculate the velocity of the water inside the UV filter. By changing this parameter in the control circuit of the inverter we will achieve a targeting of the UV radiation based on the type of pathogen that we will identify in the system. In other words, we will delay the pathogen through reduced water flow speed, so that we will “offer” it a lethal dose in a single pass. Modern systems include a radiation sensor that can measure the intensity of UV specified in the device. It is also known that while these devices, tubes or UV lamps are used up, their intensity decreased. As such, modern systems can notify you when the operation time has ended and when it must be replaced. Therefore, the concern for continuous monitoring and periodic analyzes of spectrum microbial culture systems, the closure and the “sealing” of access routes to the culture environment of pathogens is an obligation and it depends on securing the investments. Even if the system we propose in this paper is a system that demands high security, for it all to “blow up” we only need to not respect the general and specific conditions of hygiene, for example, by allowing any employee or visitor, having an aquarium with two “guppy” fishes at home, come in contact with the water or worse, even with the culture environment, it is equivalent to throwing a primed grenade in the fish water (has the same effect, only slower). UV Germicidal

    A unit of aquaculture in an intensive system should look like a pharmacy, the protective equipment must be in a maximum state of cleanliness and sterility, the staff must have medical tests to date, they must use disinfectants for floors and technology spaces, they must use sterile gloves every time they harvest tissue samples or when handling the fish. Each fish-growth unit entrance must have trays with disinfectant to disinfect shoes or the opportunity to wear special shoes indoor must be given.

    I know how hard it is to refrain from showing your friends, family or business partners that you have created a growth system with notable results. At one point, due to the pressure from visitor being high, we launched the “theory”, otherwise false, that the fish are carriers of bacteria that can harm humans and thus inhibit the visitors temptation to touch or grab any of the fish.

    I say this because, like you, I have been through this stage, the enthusiasm and joy that wants to be shared with peers around you. Due to that I did not always do well what I did. The vast majority of pathogens are in an inert state, called stasis, and they activate when given good conditions for development. UV Germicidal

    Other pathogens are displaced by insects, particularly flies and mosquitoes, which can contaminate food storage if these are exposed and do not meet temperature and humidity conditions prescribed by the manufacturer. Not least, it is necessary to understand the need to create a total separation between the work units, even the sewage and wastewater or technological water should be under our control. Tools, nets, landing nets, gloves (sturgeon can not be handled with bare hands because they may hurt us due to the sharp surfaces of their skin) and mostly portable devices such as: Oxygen meter, pH meter and more, will be disinfected between uses when making measurements in several basins.UV Germicidal

    Biofilters also require increased attention so that they don’t deposit organic matter (coagulated proteins) and become an ideal environment for the development of pathogens. Culture tanks should be inspected daily, on several occasions. The behavior of the fish must be carefully analyzed and the slightest non-compliance must be noted and communicated to the head of the farm and to the personnel in charge of decisions. I do not want to disarm anyone by expressing so firmly the need to respect hygiene and to comply to the basic requirements, but I can assure you that it is not a good idea to discover the importance of hygiene firsthand.

    On the other hand, hygiene compliance is a legal obligation established by laws and regulations authorizing the operation as an aquaculture unit. But without exhausting the subject, we have to mention that our product, be it sturgeon or caviar, is part of the food category and can not be authorized for sale only after compliance with all criteria of health nutrition and food hygiene. See the European system “TRACES” of monitoring and control in the food, aquaculture section. UV Germicidal